Stress Relief Code Online Course:

Your Roadmap to Resilience

Course Trailer

Course includes:

  • How to order labs online to see how much stress is impacting your health, plus help understanding the results

  • Which smart devices can show you how you're improving

  • The data about which supplements actually work to reduce stress

  • Six hours of video instruction

  • Interviews with 3 top experts in the field of stress recovery

  • Recipes, scientific studies to download, and more!

Here's how the 3-Month Course helps you

Lab testing tells you how much stress is impacting your body at the physical level

Discover which supplements have been shown in scientific studies to reduce the impact of stress on the body PLUS get a 20% discount on all supplements for life!

Learn how to meet your body's needs when you are under stress so that your body has the tools it needs to do its job

Experience how new health devices can help you heal

You also get 3 months of access to Yoga and Meditation for Migraine

Gentle yoga to release muscle tension in the neck and upper back

Meditation inspired by Dr. Joe Dispenza's groundbreaking research into the health benefits of meditation

MeYoW Yoga (similar to the Fall Equinox Retreat) with Meditation, Yoga, and Words

Restorative yoga to cradle your nervous system in healing

Kind words from students

"My husband and children have noticed an improvement in my mood and energy level, and I'm looking forward to continuing to try out new recipes with my daughter to incorporate into our family meals and help my family eat healthier, manage their stress, and understand their bodies alongside me."

~Dana P.

"Three days ago I woke up a new person! It was like a switch.

My family is in tears to see me not in pain and lethargic for the first time in a decade. I wish I was local so I could hug you! I think I just got my life back! Thank you for fixing me!"

~Melissa M.

"I just love this!!! I love when we can add holistic medicine to western medicine and have great results! Thank you for your work healing brains!

My S.O. Said yesterday that I have been transformed!"

~Sarah C.

Register Here for only $299 to start recovering today!

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