This practice is:
one part MEditation
one part YOga
and one part Words (bring your journal)
(PS... Cat not required!)
This is not a work out... it's a work-in.
Sometimes we need to hold poses longer, light up some candles, and release the stress of the day.
And restoratives are my go-to poses during a headache. Yep, I get migraines too! And yoga was the first thing that helped me reduce headaches naturally.
That's why I became a yoga teacher ~ so that I could share these incredible tools with other headache sufferers.
Now $59/month for a limited time only!
Q: When are the live classes?
A: Tuesday at 5 pm MST / 7 pm EST. And if you can't make the live, no worries! All of the classes are recorded, and you can watch them any time. There are dozens of videos for you to choose from.
Q: Do I have to have experience with yoga to take this course?
A: Nope! These are all-levels classes.
Q: I've tried meditation, and my brain can't do it
A: I know, right?! It's a learned skill. But it's an absolutely essential skill to master in order to activate the healing your body already knows how to do. There are thousands of studies showing that certain kinds of meditation help rewire a chronic migraine brain back to normal. We'll help you get there!
Q: I've tried yoga when I have a migraine, and it just makes it worse
A: EXACTLY!! That's why this is the class for you. You can't go to a regular studio yoga class with a headache - the class usually increases intracranial pressure and makes it worse.
That's why I got my yoga teacher training certification, so I can teach people the way to use yoga and meditation as an actual *treatment* for migraines, even when the pain is severe.
Q: I have a question not answered here
A: All righty, just shoot us an email at: [email protected]
Yoga and Meditation for Migraines is presented by Dr. Amelia Scott Barrett -